Thomson represent Finn Thomson, the 6th generation of the Thomson family. The Thomson family have been in the whisky industry since 1838 and still have many valuable casks of whisky, they are representatives of this ancient tradition.

This is a whisky revolution merged between China and Scotland, East and West, and also combining classic and modern styles.

After several years as a global whisky ambassador, Finn now works as whisky industry consultant. with his IBD Fundamentals of Distillilation Course certification, he want to bring modern thinking and the creativity of a younger generation to this traditional industry.

Lee represents Julie Lee, she is the first female Keeper of the Quaich in Greater China and has also travelled around the world as a spirits competition judge.

Julie is good at combining the language of west and east, and picking the whisky which meets the taste of Asia.

Ever since visiting China over 10 years ago Finn has been intrigued by the ancient traditions of China and the Chinese fascination with Scotch whisky. He wants to create a whisky that celebrates the traditional nature of making Scotch whisky with the modern Chinese attitude. This is a bottling that celebrates the connection between East and West.

Regarding communication between East and West as her responsibility, Julie wants to use her experience accumulated over the years as an international spirits competition reviewer, and her experience of immersing in the whisky career for many years, to bring the Eastern philosophy and the well-trained tasting specialty in the West together.

Julie Lee and Finn Thomson met each other at a whisky party and immediately became great friends. They decided to start working with each other on this new brand. This bottling is a culmination of a new whisky picking philosophy to attract a younger generation by using their professional knowledge of both Eastern and Western tastes.